How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Do's And Don'ts To Get A Girlfriend.....
How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Step By Step Guide

Finding it hard to Get A Girlfriend? You're not alone. Many guys have this problem and are asking themselves "why can't I get a girlfriend?" Some lucky guys attract girls easily, while others can't get a girlfriend no matter how hard they try. Why do these guys find it so easy to attract girls? There are many reasons why getting a girlfriend could be proving difficult for you - approaching girls the wrong way, giving a girl the impression of being desperate, your appearance, how you talk to a girl etc.... The good news is, you can improve on all of these things. This guide, will talk you through some of the things you should be doing (or not doing) when it comes to approaching and talking to girls. Follow these basic rules and hopefully you will be in a better place to go out and get a girlfriend of your own.
How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Take Pride In Your Appearance!
Step 1

How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Don't Be Desperate - Be Yourself!
Step 2

How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - The Approach - Pick Your Moments Wisely!
Step 3

How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - The Date, Make Or Break Time!
Step 4

Step 1 - Hygiene

Step 2 - You are relaxed and willing to be yourself
Step 3 - You are prepared for conversation
When she arrives or you meet up, make sure you compliment her on either how she looks, how she's styled her hair or even her clothing "that dress looks lovely on you". Don't however, overdo it and compliment her on a list of things as that will appear rather creepy and you're heading back to desperate town. Just a casual compliment when you first meet is a great start to the date. Don't overdo the mannerly stuff either, ie. don't be clambering to take her coat, get her chair, take her bag etc all at once. Relax, use your manners but in a casual relaxed

Make the effort to get to know her, ask her about herself, her job, her hobbies and interests. Remain focussed and interested at all times and make sure she knows you're not bored by saying things like "really, how does that work?" or "I've never heard of that ... what's involved?" Be prepared to talk about yourself, she's bound to be asking questions too so the key to this is HONESTY! Remember Step 2 and don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't try to impress her by lying, you'll be found out and its not a good grounding for a relationship. Telling her you have a high flying job or a flash car may even have the opposite effect (unless it's true of course) and scare her off so its best to stick to being you. Tell her about your hobbies and interests, they don't have to coincide with hers in fact it can often go in your favour if you're into something she's never entertained before. Its a great excuse to ask her out again perhaps on a date to introduce her to one of your hobbies and show her how you spend your time. Likewise you can suggest she introduces you to something she likes to do that you haven't tried before. It could be something simple like a trip to the museum, ten pin bowling, motorcycles, hill walking.... the list is endless. Don't be afraid to take the conversation in another direction if you stumble on a subject that isn't her cup of tea or worse still upsets her. Make light of it, change the subject and remember that humour is a great tonic in any situation. Hopefully by the end of this date, you will know whether or not there is any chemistry between you. Having spent some time together you should feel comfortable

How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Impress Her And Be Romantic!
Step 5

How Can I Get A Girlfriend? - Rinse and Repeat
If At First You Don't Succeed..........

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