14 Things Every Guy Should Know Before Dating A Girl Well-Settled In Life
Dating a well settled independent girl is a unique experience. For starters, there is no babu, shona or baccha references in everyday conversations, and you can easily let go of worrying about her safety because she knows better than you as to how to take care of herself. However, that doesn’t mean that you stop caring for her; mind you, there is a fine line between giving space and neglecting. So, in order to decipher the hidden code of this complex relationship we take a look at things which every guy should know before dating a girl well set in life.
1. She Is A Feminist At Heart

She won’t take yours or your friends’ disrespectful and misogynistic comments as a sign of great sense of humor because her self-esteem and self-respect comes first for her. So, whatever you do, just don’t belittle any issue which you think treads on the lines of gender inequality.
2. She Will Expect You To Initiate And Make Plans

She is a strong and independent woman but that doesn’t mean that as her better half you are not allowed to be chivalrous and not initiate or make plans for her. She will definitely love it if you plan a vacation to perfection which goes a long way to prove your commitment to the relationship.
3. She Would Want You To Make Her Feel Like An Integral Part Of Your Life

She would like to be included in everyday tasks and be informed about the details of your life. So, be a little open as to what is going on in your life and make her feel like an integral part of it. If she feels left out, then it’s a dangerous sign for the relationship.
4. She Wants A Serious Relationship And Not Some Half-Baked Commitment

She is serious about you and wants to make it work for the long-term, and therefore, expects you to make a full commitment to the relationship. She doesn’t want a part timer, but rather expects someone who is there for her in the times of need both physically and emotionally.
5. She Will Not Hide Her Opinions About Your Friends And Won’t Sugarcoat Her Criticism

She will be honest about both the good and bad aspects of your life, so be ready to hear the harsh realities. She won’t sugarcoat anything for the sake of not hurting your feelings and you might need to keep your ego at bay while dealing with sensitive issues.
6. She Would Want A Good Listener Who Assists Her In Making Life Choices

A girl well set in life would need someone to share her emotional stress and take care of her by advising her in making life choices, be it related to her career or family. So, always be there for her and act as her support system otherwise she might feel like a lone warrior on a battlefield.
7. She Wants Complete Attention And Would Hate It If You Fiddle With Your Phone In The Middle Of A Dinner Date

Fiddling with your phone on date night is a strict no. She is busy in her professional life and would want complete attention when you are with her. It’s not rocket science; if you are committed to her, then she will make it a point to make the relationship work and value your efforts.
8. She Would Be More Impressed If You Call Her At Least Once A Day Instead Of Texting

Delivering hundreds of love-bird messages on Whatsapp would mean nothing to her if you cannot find out two minutes from your schedule to call her and tell her that you love her. The earlier you understand that the puppy love stage is gone, the better it is for you.
9. She Won’t Like Your Lovey-Dovey Dumb Posts On Social Media

Public display of affection especially on social media is likely to put her off. She won’t like to engage in lengthy Facebook wall discussions publically. However, sweet and simple emails will work like a charm.
10. She Would Love The Spontaneous You

Booking a weekend vacation along with your common friends is more likely to impress her than a clichéd one-day trip in and around the city. Be a little grand in your plans and watch her heart melt for you.
11. Be True To Your Word

As a rule, if you can’t keep your promises, then it’s wiser to keep the expectations low. Otherwise you will get burnt because of over-promising and under-delivering.
12. No More Teddies On Birthdays, Be A Little Creative

Yes, you guessed it right. Those simple days when your GF was impressed by teddies and chocolates are over. To impress an independent girl, you have to go the extra mile by, let’s say, making custom messages for her to follow the trail to a surprise party. If this goes a little too far for your budget, then mix-tapes and home-cooked food would work just fine as she appreciates the effort.
13. She Is Not Impressed By Your Vocal Skills

Or that you can play the guitar decently. She has seen enough of those men already and she wouldn’t be with you if she was impressed by their instrument skills. So, be you and be real.
14. Don’t Fool Around With Her If You Are Not Serious

Because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. So take your time and decide for yourself if you want to travel the road less taken.
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