Advice on How to Avoid Being Taken in by Online Romance Scammers
Men really are capable of the most atrocious behavior,
aren’t they, er, we? On behalf of my gender, I apologize.
I’m assuming it’s largely men who perpetrate the
romance scams that I wrote about last
week. Authorities say the scammers work out of West Africa, whence they
often imitate
U.S. servicemen on online dating services and Facebook, hunting for women
whose wallets they can winkle open.
I heard from several readers who encountered such scammers. One said she was
on an online dating site two years ago when she “met” two men who said they were
Delta Force guys serving in Afghanistan. “When the second used almost the exact
wording as the first, I copied and pasted it into a search engine to discover
that pretending to be overseas in some type of special forces unit is a commonly
used and known scam,” she wrote.
A 73-year-old reader from Woodbridge, Va., met a man
online at He said he lived near Dulles Airport and even mentioned a
favorite restaurant nearby. “Weeks passed as we exchanged e-mails, some rather
risque,” she wrote. “We even talked on my cellphone number.”
The man explained that his job involved shipping construction equipment
around the world. He was on what he said was an emergency trip to Amsterdam when
his shipment was held up in customs. “Lo and behold, a call came 16 or so hours
later,” my reader wrote. “His wallet had been stolen and he needed $1,300 for
lodging via Western Union.”
Her offer to call an Amsterdam hotel and pay for two
nights of lodging by credit card was refused. The man wanted cash. Scam!
“I’ve learned a valuable lesson,” she wrote. “Never give out your e-mail,
phone number or address to anyone you have not met face to face. And when you do
meet, make it a public place.”
Barb Sluppick lives outside Branson, Mo., and has been following
romance scams for as long as anyone. In 2005, she was sitting at her computer
when a stranger popped up on Yahoo Messenger. He said he was an English
businessman living in Phoenix but working in Nigeria. They flirted online for
three weeks, at which point the man said he wanted to come visit Barb but
couldn’t cash a check. Could she front him the money?
When Barb said no, he called her on the phone. She asked why he seemed to
have a Nigerian accent, not an English one. “He said he got it from living there
for a couple of months,” Barb said.
Barb didn’t fall for the scam, and in 2008, she started what became, an
online resource for victims.
In the years since then, scammers have gotten more sophisticated. They work
in teams, perfecting their online patter, responding to cues they glean from
would-be victims, love-bombing them in a manner that approaches
“One of the big fallacies people have is that if you don’t have money, you’re
not going to get scammed,” Barb said.
But, she said, scammers can take advantage of victims in different ways.
Since many U.S. retailers won’t ship to countries in Africa, scammers purchase
items with stolen credit-card numbers, have them delivered to their victims and
supply shipping forms to send the merchandise on. How will you explain to police
why a flat-screen TV paid for with a stolen credit card was sent to your
Some scammers actually send money and ask their victim to set up a
bank account with it.
“The problem is, they’re basically laundering money,” Barb
said. “They’re stealing money from someone else. The person who opened the bank
account is the one left holding the bag.”
Criminals have another tool up their sleeves.
“If I had one thing I could tell everybody, it’s keep your webcams off and
your pants on,” Barb said. “You wouldn’t believe the people who will get on a
webcam with a scammer and disrobe.”
Some do more than disrobe, if you know what I mean. Barb said scammers then
threaten to release the video to friends and family of the victim unless
blackmail money is sent.
On her Web site, Barb has info on how to spot a scammer. One useful tool is
to learn how to do a reverse image search. Plugging in a profile photo may
reveal multiple phony accounts using the same picture.
If you’ve been contacted by a scammer, you can also file a complaint with the
Federal Trade Commission. Visit
and click on the “Other” category. The State Department also has information. Go
to and search for “international
financial scams.”
I asked Barb whether people could protect themselves simply by being more
“It’d be nice if we were more skeptical,” Barb said. “But our lives are based
on words. Words are powerful. If they’re good words, they’re even more powerful.
. . . Everybody likes to hear positive things about themselves. The
scammers are very good at doing that.”
Barb said victims are often demonized. “They get so much
flak. They’re blamed for what happened: ‘You deserved this. You were stupid and
fell for it.’ When in reality that’s not it at all. These scammers are very,
very good at what they do. This is their life’s calling.”
They’re so good that even admonitions like “never send money to someone you
don’t know” don’t always work.
“As far as they’re concerned, this is a real relationship,” Barb said. “They
feel like they know this person. That warning just kind of goes over their
I asked Barb whether she ever found that special someone.
“To be honest, I’ve been so busy the last 10 years I don’t have time for a
relationship,” she said. “Nobody’s going to sit still for me spending all day on
the Internet helping people.”
View original article here
View original article here

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