Turkey's PM said women ‘laughter’ #kahkaha in public is ‘moral corruption’
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç gave a speech that reeked of chauvinistic notes after he made comments that women should not laugh in public because it might be a sign that she is happy in her love life. It was reported today that he said women should practice “chasteness” and withhold any signs that show a woman’s attractiveness, but it wasn’t long before the social media sphere was bombarded with laughter and smiles.
Many Turkish citizens believe their government should be more concerned on preventing violence, rape, and murder against women -- instead of asking them to stop expressing laughter in public. Ece believes that his statement was shocking and is so out-of-touch.
Maria Spirova, a journalist, tweeted, “I support of #Turkey women’s right to laugh be free human beings. Conservatism is going mad in politics!” Arinc’s political ideologies have backfired as women and men “literally laugh in his face,” as @Channel4 tweeted. Seriously, look who's laughing now.
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