How to: Date a co-worker
Monster have devised the top five rules if you insist on dating a co-worker after a huge 27% revealed that they don’t think it’s harmful to have an office romance or that it would damage their career.

Top Five Tips for Dating a Colleague:
Do your homework: Check out Human Resources’ take in the office romp- for they may have strict rules and regulations on dating at work. If you know these first then maybe that crush will not amount to anything more than a harmless flirtation over the water cooler.

Make the first contact an offline one: Never say anything on email that you don’t want to come back and bite you on the ass. Call them and ask them out for a coffee after work- if they say yes, then you might be onto a winner, if you are unsure if they fancy you back, then take some time out to do some detective work first.

Be discrete: Don’t be too presumptuous- now you have dated a couple of times it doesn’t mean that he is going to get down on one knee. Wait until you know it’s serious before telling people in the office-you don’t want to Date him and everyone else you work with too!

No ‘PDA’s: As much as a bit of footsie under the table, a quick snog in the elevator or a session on the conference table has its perks- be professional at all times in the workplace. Would you want to see your fellow colleagues going at it? I didn’t think so!

Don't kiss and tell: It may seem like you are all Friends in the office but this is rarely the case for people love gossip, especially of the sex kind. No-one likes a bragger and no-one likes to keep a secret either!
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