The School of Orgasms
Would you take a masturbation class? A new movement called OMing (or Orgasmic Meditation) is taking things to a new level...
Orgasms are one of the best feelings in the world. Fact. But what if they could be even better?! Say what! More and more women are heading to orgasmic meditation classes to get their rocks off on a whole new level – this is one #sextrend we really like.
Labelled OMing, these classes are made specifically for women, but not shy ones because you will be getting touched up by your BF or a stranger (!) in the class. But for a better climax, would you consider going?
OMing, which began all the way back in the 1960s, is about using meditation and prolonged masturbation to get harder, stronger, longer “Os”. So these classes are designed to teach women how to do this and involves stimulating the clitoris for a whole 15 minutes! Tens of thousands of women have done these classes in the US and their popularity is on the rise.
The founder Nicole Daedone, whose San Francisco-based company One Taste runs workshops, says OMing is about enjoying the now. She told UK Metro, “Orgasmic meditation (OM) is a practice done between two people that has no goal, except to feel what is happening in the moment.”
“OM is not about climax (yes, orgasm and climax are different). It’s about expanding the most pleasurable part of the orgasm,” she added.

One US Cosmo journo who took the class for a, ahem, spin said, “Our orgasm trainer, Ken, a normal-looking 30-something, explained the technique, then proceeded to demonstrate on our other trainer, Rachel (Ken's girlfriend).
“On a bunch of pillows that became a sort of orgasm nest, she—yes—got bottomless, then Ken set a timer and, palm facing down, used his left pointer finger to massage her infamous upper-left quadrant."
Sexpert Nikki Goldstein isn’t so sure the classes are right for all women though, “Everyone is different and by saying, 'You must spend 15 minutes in that one spot', it can be negative because putting deadlines of coming can just add a lot of pressure. And not everyone can orgasm through manual masturbation so these classes might make these women feel inferior.” Not to mention the fact that it’s all public – eek.
OMing teaches you that the “upper left quadrant” is the most pleasurable spot, but many sexperts disagree, claiming that the whole clitoris is equally sensitive. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright told Cosmo she'd never heard of the upper-left quadrant of the clitoris being a special spot, but the idea that spending 15 minutes to get a woman turned on could make her orgasm stronger wasn't BS.
“I think there are different sweet spots that are more sensitive for people [on the clitoris] but it varies for everyone,” adds Goldstein.
While the classes aren’t available here yet, Aussie chicks can still turn to sex coaching with qualified therapists to get private lessons on technique and Tantra workshops at the Australian School of Tantra to learn how to maximise their O.