The official document that finalizes your divorce is called a "decree." It's a formal, legal acknowledgement that your marriage is over. But long before you reach that official milestone, you must take on going, decisive action to ensure your personal well-being. The "10 Decrees of Divorce Survival" will help you cope with -- and ultimately triumph over -- the many challenges you face during this difficult process:

2 Cancel your pity party. Think you've got it bad? There are plenty of others who have been dealt way worse hands than you. Tell yourself: "There are so many people who would gladly trade their day for my very worst day, in a heartbeat." And believe it, because it's true.
3 Stop being angry. If your ex has hurt you, it's natural to feel anger towards him/her. But at a certain point, you have to let it go, because ultimately, your anger will harm you, not your ex. It will eat away at you and prevent you from focusing on your future and experiencing joy.

8 Educate yourself. There are plenty of books, websites, blogs, etc., (like this one) offering all kinds of advice about the many aspects -- legal, emotional, social, and financial -- of divorce. While you should always take "expert" advice with a large grain of salt, read as much as you can about divorce and its aftermath. You will undoubtedly find ideas that resonate with you and that provide new perspectives on your situation. You never know where your next inspiration will come from. And the old saying is true: knowledge is power.
9 Strive for indifference toward your ex. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and neither will serve you well once your relationship ends. While it's easy to transform the intense love you once felt for your ex into intense hatred, to move forward, you need to break the strong emotional attachment between you. You must consciously stop thinking and obsessing about your ex. He/she has moved on -- and you have to as well.
10 Make a new plan. You may find that your post-divorce life is radically different from the life you once expected. However, if you want to be truly happy, you must come to terms with this. It's up to you to create a new, fulfilling, happy, and productive life. No one can accomplish this for you. Here's the bottom line: to move forward, you have to let go of the past. Change and reinvention are scary, but once you take the leap, you'll feel empowered and excited about your possibilities. Adopt the wise words philosopher Joseph Campbell as your credo: "We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
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