7 Things Women Can Only Learn From Other Women
1. That ‘not being like other girls’ isn’t a thing.
Back during the heady days in which I wore my Hot Topic tee-shirts proudly emblazoned with such unforgivable slogans as “You laugh because I’m different, I laugh because you’re all the same,” I was not like other girls. In my mind, “girls” were a squirming mass of heavily-applied makeup, vapid thoughts about The Bachelorette, and catty disputes over one another’s boyfriend. And it wasn’t until that I started embracing female friendship — beyond the two or three “best girls” whom I regarded as more the exception than the rule, as I preferred to “hang with the guys” — that I understood there was no such thing as “girls.” We are all people, complex and beautifully unique, and writing us all off in an effort to seem different is about as sad as you can get.
2. That Girl Love is unique in the world.

3. Some things we love will never change, and that’s good.
If there comes a day in which you do not get into your girlfriend’s car and immediately turn up the stereo the moment “I Want It That Way” by BSB comes on, singing along to every word and doing vague imitations of the video dance moves together, life is over. If you ever feel “too mature” for that, you need to be taken down about 70 pegs, because girl bonding never fades away or dies — it only gets accompanied by alcohol.
4. Girls talk about sex just as much as boys, if not more.
5. You’re not crazy for going crazy about your period.
Sometimes, when you’re rolling around on your bed trying to find an angle that doesn’t make your kidneys feel like they’re being punished for the sins of humanity, crying over a particularly poignant fabric softener commercial, you just need to know that someone understands. Your boyfriend can get Häagen Dazs, sure, but he can’t truly empathize with your struggle. And once you have confirmed the suffering with all of your various friends — particularly the really close ones who will text you things along the lines of “Period’s a-brewin and I’m about to go on vacation. Kill me.” — you can sleep just that much easier.
6. The laughter between girlfriends is the best medicine.
7. Growing up to be crazy old ladies together is a dream.

View the original article here
- Other previous articles:
- Where are You on His Priority List?
- Why Love Is Your Natural State (What is Love?)
- I Went 12 Years Without Sex
- How To Spot a Liar Online
- 9 Extremely Unattractive Dating Behaviors

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