7 Things a Guy Can Do to Make a Girl Really Happy
Every human being is different, so it stands to reason that every woman is a unique snowflake too. That is why it is difficult to understand exactly what women want from men – they all want different things. Men can learn from their mistakes with previous girlfriends, but every woman they meet is going to different. In each relationship these men, and the women alike, have to learn as they go along. They have to learn what to do, what not to do, what their partners like, what they don’t like, what quirks they have and how to put up with them.
Trite as it sounds, the truth is that relationships are journeys where compromise is key. No matter how much you like each other, you won’t be the prince and princess living happily ever after; there’s always going to be some friction, some disagreement. But after the screaming and the yelling (and perhaps the throwing of a few hard objects), if you still want to be together, then you know that your relationship is strong, and that it will last.
One important point for men to remember is that people change, and personalities evolve. There’s an old joke that a man marries a woman hoping she would stay the same, while a woman marries a man thinking she can change him. Don’t fall into that trap. The girl you fell in love with in high school will not be the same girl ten years later. And even if she is (highly unlikely), you won’t be the same guy who fell in love with her.

1. Find out her likes and dislikes: Let’s use an example here. Pink is a girly color. You’ve grown up with your sisters wearing pink shoes and clothes, using pink stationary, and watching princesses in cartoons wearing pink sparkly dresses. So you think it’s safe to assume that your girlfriend (or sister, or friend) would appreciate something a garish pink cell phone for her birthday. Her favorite color may be blue or red or green, and it’s your job to find that out. And don’t be afraid of giving yourself away if, around her birthday, you ask her about her preferred colors. She will probably see right through it, but she’ll appreciate the effort.

4. Show her affection: Most women are affectionate. Some of them may not be demonstrative, especially in public, but when you have privacy, a hug or a kiss, for no special reason, is greatly appreciated. You can do that while she’s doing housework or working on the computer, and in most cases your gestures of affection will be very welcome.

6. Get to know her friends and family: Again, this may not apply for all women, but most of them do maintain close ties with family and friends. Get to know the people she’s close to; her mother, brother or sisters, as well as her best friends. Family is important and if she does maintain ties with them, it will please her a great deal if you establish roots with them yourself. As for her friends, try and build a rapport with them too. If you are in the early stages of your relationship, getting the friends to like you will be a step in making it more concrete. And who knows, maybe you’ll end up liking them all and create lasting friendships.

7. Be funny. Humor is extremely attractive, and having in-jokes with your significant other is a rewarding experience.
Some of your best memories may be of talking and laughing together. So remember all the old jokes and try and establish new ones. Find out what makes her laugh – it can be an impression of your grade school math teacher, or of her boss, or a tv-show character. You don’t have to become a stand–up comedian, but being entertaining ensures she’ll never be bored.
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